Tuesday, October 3, 2017

BizTalk 2016 - WCF-Custom Transport: Unrecognized attribute 'ApplicationName'

Today I came across an error with the WCF-Custom Transport.

I have a send port that uses the WCF-Custom/sqlBinding type as a send port on my local dev machine.  Everything works as expected, so I exported the MSI and bindings to use on our Test environment.

When I imported the bindings file, I received an error: "Error loading properties. (System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException) Unrecognized attribute 'ApplicationName'.

I compared the settings on my local dev to the Test environment and noticed some differences.  This screenshot is from our Test environment

and this is from my local dev environment

Notice the highlighted configurations don't exist in the other one.

This is because I have installed BizTalk 2016 Feature Pack 1 on my local machine, and the Test machine does not have this installed.