Wednesday, June 9, 2010

BAM WebServices authentication

I'd like to expand on Tiho's excellent post. I was having the same issues he came across.

One of the things that I did was to use the identity (credentials) from the BAM app pool configuration within Computer Management console and used that as the owner of the database.

use BAMPrimaryImport
sp_changedbowner 'domain\user' -- Identity from BAM app pool

Also, depending on how you installed BizTalk, you may get your own user account (or more exact, the individual who installed BizTalk) set as owner for all BizTalk databases, which was also the case for me. Those databases outside of BAMPrimaryImport should be set to sa.

At that point, you can use the BM.exe command line to add the proper accounts to each view, as stated on Microsoft's site. In this case, I added the BizTalk Administrator group for each view. You can expand on that on a case by case scenario.
